AEROLAB’s set of five Drag Models can be used for both flow visualization and force measurements.
Easily mounted to any 3/8-inch sting balance, the models are in the form of a teardrop, a backward-facing semi-spherical shell (cup), a sphere, a forward-facing semi-spherical shell (cup) and a circular flat plate.
Optional Features
- Handcrafted Custom Models and Probes are available by special order. Contact AEROLAB with specifications for a free quotation.
Related Products
- Low Speed
- Models & Probes
- Five drag models in these forms:
- Teardrop
- Backward-facing semi-spherical shell (cup)
- Sphere
- Forward-facing semi-spherical shell (cup)
- Circular flat plate
- Can be used for flow visualization and force measurements
- Easily mounted to any 3/8-inch sting balance